Before using any type of lifting gear it is important to select the right product for the particular task and weight load.
Althought it may be tempting to "make up" your own lifting equipment from what you have available this can be a dangerous practice.
Chain, wire rope, fibre rope, webbing, shackles, web slings, eye bolts - come in various designs and grades and only a few are designed and are suitable for lifting purposes. To the unitiated they may look the same - but they are not! important as well is the way they are bound and terminated. Knots in rope causes stresses that are avoided by correct terminations. Chains should also only be extended or shortened by purpose designed components suitable for lifting and moving.
Equipment manufactured for lashing is rarely suitable for any fom of lifting application. In making a decision as to the correct lifting product to use - whether it be a chain, chain block, hoist, or wire rope, a balance has to be made between various considerations taking the following into consideration:
- What is the load to be lifted?
- It it in one part or several?
- Does it need support to be lifted?
- Are there any special problems?
- Is the load hot, cold, corrosive, sharp etc?
- Does the item have any lifting points?
- What does it weigh? (never guess!)
- Where is the centre of gravity of the load?
- What allowances should be made for the mode of lifting?
Once these considerations have been given the correct lifting equipment can be obtained to undertake the work. For the operator/user the most economical solution is to hire the lifting equipment required from a specialist hire company established in the rental of lifting gear.
A recommended outlet is MF Hire located in Nottinghamshire.
Contact details: Tel: (0115) 958 1505